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Inside the structure there is a horse stable. The horses are from different races. Our visitors and clients can enjoy riding with horses all over a space that is surrounded by restaurant environment. Children will be supervised by an hipism expert.

Hipism has been the most favorite sport for centuries. A sport that brings marvelous feelings and adrenaline. It  can be practiced from all the ages. A sport that put on moves every part of the body, but the mind also.

Horses Hill is one of the places that offers that kind of sport. In this farm are cultivated a lot of horses races. At the same time this farm serves as a agritourism restaurant. In this farm there is a horse stable that includes 15 horses of different races and a big round field were you can practice this sport. 

Packs that we offer

  • Services accompanied with instructor
  • Round field ride 7 rides (500 lek) per person
  • Periphery guide 1 hour (5000 lek) per person
  • Eight times in a month course within one hour (16.000 lek) Monday-Friday
  • Day course 1 hour 3000 lek (Monday-Friday)
  • Horse care 35000 per month (food+training+horseshoe,no vet)




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